Advanced Green Energy Technology for Homes and Electric Cars
No Fuel required / Unit is Self-Charging
"We Harness the Power of Magnetic Energy" ™
Phone 561-707-1633 WKF561@gmail.com

The Team
Keith Franklin
MET Executive
Personal Service Group
Finance Consultant
Leonard Werner
Real Estate Business
Finance Consultant
Mario A. Iglesias
Attorney at Law
International Banking
Russell Bruce Adler
Attorney at Law
Investment Banking
Science Team of Engineers are as follows: Mechanical, Electrical, Material, Software & Computer and Aerospace Engineers – their resumes are available upon request.
About Us
Magnetic Energy Solutions, Inc
Magnetic Energy Solutions, Inc. was established as a commercial platform to bring together the various technical disciplines required to successfully develop a new source of power supply for Electric Cars and Residential Homes without using today’s standard power techniques of today like the electric grid, solar, wind and gasoline.
The company has worked with the Department of Energy, NASA, Los Alamos National Lab, the military and their related Universities on various projects. The company's involvement and consulting activities have resulted in valuable business relationships that will benefit the launch and future success of the company. The company's team of engineers was very lucky to have access to such an infrastructure of universities, lab equipment and all research departments available to develop the concept.​​
Thank you for your attention and rest assured the MET team is fully committed and working towards creating a brighter future with the MET technology.