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Below videos are examples of Proof of Principle Models that shows the technology is sound and valid. The below prototypes are basic, our units that are going to Underwriters Laboratories UL for approval super-exceeds these prototypes and are more advanced than what is showed below.


** There is a “secondary unit” which works along with the magnetic energy unit, which is proprietary information, and we cannot show here, this is where most of the power is created and generated from. The company wishes to keep this confidential for now and is used in the process and methods that will be used in manufacturing and production. 

Check out these 2 videos above, is this crazy or what. People lined up and sometimes at night to charge their cars. Is this really the reality of the future of getting your Tesla or any other electric car charged? There is No need to charge your electric car this way anymore, we have new technology to keep your electric car charged constantly as you're traveling down the highway.

Examples of magnets being used to create energy. The videos below are a Proof of Principle Model that shows the technology is sound and valid. This is a Model Prototype, our units that are going to Underwriters Laboratories UL for approval super-exceeds and are more advanced than what is showed below. Click to enlarge video if needed.

Video below is the Prototype that was on worldwide news of a Magnetic Generator that demonstrates the technology is sound & valid.  No fuel required for operation. Can be started with a battery source or hand crank for outdoor generators. The generator will operate and run until the unit is physically turned off. Our units that are going to UL approval are very quiet and are more superior than the prototype below in the news. This video gives you an idea of the concept of energy for the world for Electric cars to Homes.

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