Advanced Generator technology for Homes and Electric Cars
No Fuel required to operate / Unit is Self-Charging
"We Harness the Power of Magnetic Energy" ™
Phone 561-707-1633
Other Projects of Research & Development
Frank Wighard has also developed an advanced technology for air-conditioning and heating well beyond today's standards. This A/C unit is a Game Changer for the air-conditioning industry. The units require No Freon and No compressor which provides a longer lifespan with less scheduled maintenance and can produce unparalleled savings in energy usage. The cost of the A/C units will be competitive to units found on the market today.
This technology is called thermoacoustics and was developed in conjunction with the Department of Energy, NASA, Los Alamos National Lab, the military and their related Universities. Frank Wighard has patents which allows the use of thermoacoustic technology to be used in the field of air-conditioning. This is the only known technology that can operate on very little energy compare to other A/C units on the market today.
The technology will help save the environment, save energy and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Fifteen Universities have starting teaching and have degree programs in thermoacoustics. The technology fully complies with the New World standards for cooling and heating established by the United Nations, ratified and approved by 191 countries.
The technology has already been proven suitable for use in residential, industry, transportation and other applications. Our initial unit will be a 3 Ton unit or 36,000 BTUs and can operate with little electric power reducing energy usage and savings on your electric bill. Our A/C systems meet all energy efficiency and environmental standards worldwide for cooling and heating.
With the new technology of the Magnetic Generator the founder Frank Wighard knows and believes we can operate and achieve power to the A/C unit and the entire home with electricity using this new technology using the Magnetic Vortex technology. This gives you an idea of the technology Frank has been working on over the years with thermoacoustics and magnetics along with government labs and Universities.
The following PDF below shows patents that are based on our original designs. Cool Sound Industries MAIN PATENT which Herbert F. Wighard is given credit to for all patents below. Which are related to the "Double Acting Pulse Tube Electroacoustic System" the original patent number is US 5813234 and is used for thermoacoustic air conditioning.
** In January 2024 the company has 24 new advanced design patents to the original patents that are patent pending at this time.
All Patents based
on Original Patent
Original Patent